kolon vq/adj. 1 • worthless, incapable; paresseux, bon à rien. N cɛ̌ ̀ ka kolon. My husband is worthless.
2 • worn out; usé. fìnìkolon rag. Adj: kolonman; V/N: kolonya.
kòlon n. mortar; mortier.
kɔ̀lɔn n. well; puit.
Partial Matches
finikolon n. rag; torchon.
lankolon adj. empty, naked, bare, worthless; vide, nu, sans valeur.
Results from The An ka taa Forum
- Farikoloɲɛgɛn | tattoo Manding missing
- Bɔrɔ lankolon tɛ jɔ Proverbs
- Kolon | naughty Not Found
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